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Atlanta Labiaplasty Information & Resources


Labiaplasty in Atlanta

In an ongoing effort to help inform patients of procedures and cosmetic surgery options, this blog post will focus on labiaplasty. The following information is offered based on common questions surrounding the procedure and its short and longer-term effects.

If you have some confidential questions regarding a labiaplasty or any cosmetic or plastic surgery option, please contact Panacea’s doctors directly to schedule a confidential consultation.

What is a labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty or labial reduction is a surgery that removes excess inner labia. Excess is considered that which “hangs” beyond the outer labia.

Why would I want to have this labiaplasty?

Some women are born with very large labia and some acquire it after childbirth. A lot of women suffer in silence and are too embarrassed to even talk to their doctor about this. There is absolutely nothing to be self-conscious about and it is really is easily corrected. Symptoms indicating that you may be a candidate for this surgery include experiencing pain during exercise or intercourse.

How is it fixed?

It is a very simple in-office procedure. You do not need to go under general anesthesia. The procedure takes about 1 hour and involves numbing the area and then removing the excess labia. Sutures are placed that absorb over time and you will be slightly sore and swollen for the next few days. There is relatively minimal downtime with this. You will use some ice packs in the days to follow.

How much does it cost? Will my insurance cover a labiaplasty?

Unfortunately, insurance does not typically pay for this procedure. The current cost is approximately $4600.

When can I be intimate afterward-how long until I can resume a normal sex life?

Normal relations can resume in typically 3-6 weeks, depending on the individual’s level of swelling or discomfort.

Will the extra labia ever come back?

No – once corrected it will not return.

Interested in an Atlanta Labiaplasty?

Though a well-known and helpful procedure, labiaplasties are a specialty that you will not find in every practice. Luckily for those living or visiting Atlanta, Dr. Kimberly Singh of Panacea Plastic Surgery is a seasoned expert in this specialty. With dozens of successful labiaplasties performed in Atlanta over the past decade, Dr. Singh is highly sensitive to each patient’s needs and concerns. Allow her expertise and experience to help you claim the body you deserve, today.

We have other useful blogs with statistics, studies, and surveys about labiaplasty below:

Labiaplasty by the numbers 

Labiaplasty Cost 

You may also contact our office to see confidential before and after images of labiaplasties – due to their sensitive nature, we do not share these images publicly on the web.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.